Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Strawberry Dipped Chocolate

It was my Mom’s Birthday Party last Saturday and I decided to make Strawberry Dipped Chocolate. Strawberries are in abundance this time of year here in California so I wanted to take advantage of it. I used Guittard semi-sweet chocolate with white chocolate drizzle.

french macarons

I enjoyed every minute of  my French Macaron class. It was really fun learning different techniques, tips, and tricks to create the perfect french macaron. We made 12 batches of the delicious cookie. The best part was we got to try all the flavors and brought home what we made. I took home two boxes filled with delicious french macarons and share them with my family.
After taking the class, I received more inspiration towards mastering the art of french macaron making.


Hi! This is my very first post. I will be sharing my experiences on gastronomy. Whether it is making and tasting my own food creations or exploring and trying out delectable eats from bakeries and restaurants. Here I go….